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About SCAF

The Starfleet Canine Aid Foundation (SCAF) is a federal and state recognized non-profit corporation.  SCAF was created to provide financial aid to owners that could not otherwise afford medical treatment for the treatable disease or injury of a canine companion.

When our dog friends fall victim to an illness or injury, the veterinary bills are often daunting.  A disturbing number of dogs are turned in to shelters or rescue groups or even euthanized because of the costs of needed medical care.

SCAF's goal is to help save the lives of as many canine companions as possible so they can remain in the homes of the people who love them.

Most of the dogs assisted by SCAF have been able to stay in their current homes while some have been adopted into loving new homes.  In some cases dogs active in a sport have been able to return to the sport they love and share with their human companions.  Some have simply been able to spend more quality time with their loving families.

The organization is operated by volunteers and relies exclusively on donations and proceeds from canine oriented fund-raising events.  SCAF uses funds raised to issue grants to cover all or a portion of an applicant's veterinary bill, as long as their canine companion has a good prognosis for recovery.

You can mail donations to:

11684 Germany Road,
Wilton, CA 95693

or use the PayPal link on the right for a secure and easy web donation.